Summoner (Arcanist)Beschwörer (Hermetiker)Invocateur (Arcaniste)召喚士 (巴術士)召唤师 (秘术师)소환사 (비술사)

Summoner (Arcanist)

Summoner Summoner



ID: 163
Level: 1 Kosten: 300 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 240.
Summon Carbuncle
Summon Carbuncle
ID: 25798
Level: 2 Kosten: 400 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber
Summons Carbuncle to your side.
Radiant Aegis
Radiant Aegis
ID: 25799
Level: 2 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schild
Orders Carbuncle to execute Radiant Aegis.
Radiant Aegis Effect: Creates a barrier around self that absorbs damage totaling 20% of your maximum HP
Duration: 30s
Maximum Charges: 2
Can only be executed while Carbuncle is summoned.
Radiant Aegis
Radiant Aegis
ID: 25841
Level: 2 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schild
Creates a barrier around you that absorbs damage totaling 20% of your maximum HP.
Duration: 30s
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
ID: 16230
Level: 4 Kosten: 400 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Heilung
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 400
ID: 25800
Level: 6 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber
Grants Aethercharge, increasing the potency of Ruin, Ruin II, and Ruin III by 50, and Outburst by 20.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Grants Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald ArcanumRuby ArcanumRuby Arcanum and Topaz ArcanumRuby Arcanum
Can only be executed in combat and while Carbuncle is summoned.
Summon Ruby
Summon Ruby
ID: 25802
Level: 6 Kosten: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Summons Ruby Carbuncle, and orders it to execute Glittering Ruby.
Glittering Ruby Effect: Rushes target and deals fire damage with a potency of 400
Additional Effect: Grants 2 stacks of Fire Attunement
Fire Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Precious Brilliance become fire-aspected
Duration: 30s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Ruby Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
Current pet will leave the battlefield while Ruby Carbuncle is present, and return once gone.
Ruby Ruin
Ruby Ruin
ID: 25808
Level: 6 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.8s Recast: 3.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage with a potency of 340.
Fire Attunement Cost: 1
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Upon execution, the recast timer for this action will be applied to all other weaponskills and magic actions.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
ID: 25883
Level: 6 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber
Channel the energies of your active elemental attunement to attack your enemy.
Fire Attunement Effect: Deal fire damage to a single target
Earth Attunement Effect: Deal earth damage to a single target
Wind Attunement Effect: Deal wind damage to a single target
ID: 7560
Level: 8 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 90.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent G-Mitigation (M:10%/P:5%)
Lowers target's physical damage dealt by 5% and magic damage dealt by 10%.
Duration: 15s
Energy Drain
Energy Drain
ID: 16508
Level: 10 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 200.
Additional Effect: Aetherflow II
Additional Effect: Grants Further Ruin
Duration: 60s
Shares a recast timer with Energy Siphon.
ID: 181
Level: 10 Kosten: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 340.
Aetherflow Gauge Cost: 1
ID: 25880
Level: 10 Kosten: 800 Range: 30y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 2.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber
Puts target and all nearby enemies to sleep.
Duration: 30s
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
ID: 173
Level: 12 Kosten: 2400 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 8.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber
Resurrects target to a weakened state.
Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming
ID: 7562
Level: 14 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Gradually restores own MP.
Potency: 55
Duration: 21s
Summon Topaz
Summon Topaz
ID: 25803
Level: 15 Kosten: 2 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Summons Topaz Carbuncle, and orders it to execute Glittering Topaz.
Glittering Topaz Effect: Rushes target and deals earth damage with a potency of 400
Additional Effect: Grants 4 stacks of Earth Attunement
Earth Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Precious Brilliance become earth-aspected
Duration: 30s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Topaz Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
Current pet will leave the battlefield while Topaz Carbuncle is present, and return once gone.
Topaz Ruin
Topaz Ruin
ID: 25809
Level: 15 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals earth damage with a potency of 240.
Earth Attunement Cost: 1
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
ID: 7561
Level: 18 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Next spell is cast immediately.
Duration: 10s
Summon Emerald
Summon Emerald
ID: 25804
Level: 22 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Summons Emerald Carbuncle, and orders it to execute Glittering Emerald.
Glittering Emerald Effect: Deals wind damage with a potency of 400
Additional Effect: Grants 4 stacks of Wind Attunement
Wind Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Precious Brilliance become wind-aspected
Duration: 30s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Emerald Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
Current pet will leave the battlefield while Emerald Carbuncle is present, and return once gone.
Emerald Ruin
Emerald Ruin
ID: 25810
Level: 22 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals wind damage with a potency of 160.
Wind Attunement Cost: 1
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
ID: 16511
Level: 26 Kosten: 300 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Ruby Outburst
Ruby Outburst
ID: 25814
Level: 26 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 2.8s Recast: 3.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage with a potency of 160 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Fire Attunement Cost: 1
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Upon execution, the recast timer for this action will be applied to all other weaponskills and magic actions.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Topaz Outburst
Topaz Outburst
ID: 25815
Level: 26 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals earth damage with a potency of 110 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Earth Attunement Cost: 1
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Emerald Outburst
Emerald Outburst
ID: 25816
Level: 26 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals wind damage with a potency of 70 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Wind Attunement Cost: 1
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Precious Brilliance
Precious Brilliance
ID: 25884
Level: 26 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 2.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber
Channel the energies of your active elemental attunement to attack multiple enemies.
Fire Attunement Effect: Deal fire damage to a target and all enemies nearby it
Earth Attunement Effect: Deal earth damage to a target and all enemies nearby it
Wind Attunement Effect: Deal wind damage to a target and all enemies nearby it
Ruin II
Ruin II
ID: 172
Level: 30 Kosten: 300 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 270.
Summon Ifrit
Summon Ifrit
ID: 25805
Level: 30 Kosten: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Summons Ifrit-Egi and orders it to execute InfernoBurning Strike.
Inferno Effect: Rushes forward and deals fire damage to all enemies in a 5-yalm cone before it with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemiesBurning Strike Effect: Rushes forward and deals fire damage with a potency of 500
Additional Effect: Grants 2 stacks of Fire Attunement
Fire Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Precious Brilliance become fire-aspected
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants Ifrit's Favor
Effect of Ifrit's Favor ends upon execution of certain summoner actions.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Ruby Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
Current pet will leave the battlefield while Ifrit-Egi is present, and return once gone.
Ruby Ruin II
Ruby Ruin II
ID: 25811
Level: 30 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.8s Recast: 3.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage with a potency of 380.
Fire Attunement Cost: 1
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Upon execution, the recast timer for this action will be applied to all other weaponskills and magic actions.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Topaz Ruin II
Topaz Ruin II
ID: 25812
Level: 30 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals earth damage with a potency of 270.
Earth Attunement Cost: 1
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Emerald Ruin II
Emerald Ruin II
ID: 25813
Level: 30 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals wind damage with a potency of 170.
Wind Attunement Cost: 1
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Summon Titan
Summon Titan
ID: 25806
Level: 35 Kosten: 2 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Summons Titan-Egi and orders it to execute Earthen FuryRock Buster.
Earthen Fury Effect: Rushes forward and deals earth damage to all enemies within 5 yalms with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemiesRock Buster Effect: Rushes forward and deals earth damage with a potency of 500
Additional Effect: Grants 4 stacks of Earth Attunement
Earth Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Precious Brilliance become earth-aspected
Duration: 30s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Topaz Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
Current pet will leave the battlefield while Titan-Egi is present, and return once gone.
ID: 3578
Level: 40 Kosten: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 150 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Aetherflow Gauge Cost: 1
ID: 7559
Level: 44 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Spells can be cast without interruption.
Additional Effect: Nullifies most knockback and draw-in effects
Duration: 6s
Summon Garuda
Summon Garuda
ID: 25807
Level: 45 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Summons Garuda-Egi and orders it to execute Aerial BlastAerial Slash.
Aerial Blast Effect: Deals wind damage to target and all enemies within 5 yalms with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemiesAerial Slash Effect: Deals wind damage with a potency of 100 to target and all enemies nearby it
Additional Effect: Grants 4 stacks of Wind Attunement
Wind Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Precious Brilliance become wind-aspected
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Grants Garuda's Favor
Effect of Garuda's Favor ends upon execution of certain summoner actions.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Emerald Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
Current pet will leave the battlefield while Garuda-Egi is present, and return once gone.
Energy Siphon
Energy Siphon
ID: 16510
Level: 52 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 100 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Aetherflow II
Additional Effect: Grants Further Ruin
Duration: 60s
Shares a recast timer with Energy Drain.
Ruby Ruin III
Ruby Ruin III
ID: 25817
Level: 54 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.8s Recast: 3.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage with a potency of 410.
Fire Attunement Cost: 1
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Upon execution, the recast timer for this action will be applied to all other weaponskills and magic actions.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Topaz Ruin III
Topaz Ruin III
ID: 25818
Level: 54 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals earth damage with a potency of 300.
Earth Attunement Cost: 1
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Emerald Ruin III
Emerald Ruin III
ID: 25819
Level: 54 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals wind damage with a potency of 180.
Wind Attunement Cost: 1
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Ruin III
Ruin III
ID: 3579
Level: 54 Kosten: 300 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 360.
Astral Impulse
Astral Impulse
ID: 25820
Level: 58 Kosten: 300 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 500.
Can only be executed while in Dreadwyrm Trance.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Ruin III changes to Astral Impulse when requirements for execution are met.
Astral Flare
Astral Flare
ID: 25821
Level: 58 Kosten: 300 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 180 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Can only be executed while in Dreadwyrm Trance.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Tri-disasterOutburst changes to Astral Flare when requirements for execution are met.
Dreadwyrm Trance
Dreadwyrm Trance
ID: 3581
Level: 58 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber
Enters Dreadwyrm Trance.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Changes Ruin III to Astral Impulse and Outburst to Astral Flare
Additional Effect: Grants Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum
Can only be executed in combat and while Carbuncle is summoned.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Astral Flow
Astral Flow
ID: 25822
Level: 60 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber
Channel the energies of your active trance or elemental favor to perform one of several actions.
Dreadwyrm Trance Effect: Action changes to Deathflare
Lightwyrm Trance Effect: Action changes to Sunflare
Firebird Trance Effect: Action changes to Rekindle
Ifrit's Favor Effect: Action changes to Crimson Cyclone
Titan's Favor Effect: Action changes to Mountain Buster
Garuda's Favor Effect: Action changes to Slipstream
ID: 3582
Level: 60 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 20.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 500 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while in Dreadwyrm Trance.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Astral Flow changes to Deathflare when requirements for execution are met.
Ruin IV
Ruin IV
ID: 7426
Level: 62 Kosten: 400 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 490 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Further Ruin.
Searing Light
Searing Light
ID: 25801
Level: 66 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 30y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 120.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent
Increases damage dealt by self and nearby party members by 5%.
Duration: 20s
Additional Effect: Grants Ruby's Glimmer
Duration: 30s
Summon Bahamut
Summon Bahamut
ID: 7427
Level: 70 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber
Enters Dreadwyrm Trance and summons Demi-Bahamut to fight your target.
Demi-Bahamut will execute Wyrmwave automatically on the targets attacked by you after summoning.
Increases enmity in target when Demi-Bahamut is summoned.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Changes Ruin III to Astral Impulse and Tri-disasterOutburst to Astral Flare
Additional Effect: Grants Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum
Can only be executed while Carbuncle is summoned.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
ID: 7428
Level: 70 Kosten: 0 Range: 50y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 150.
Will only execute while Demi-Bahamut is summoned.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Enkindle Bahamut
Enkindle Bahamut
ID: 7429
Level: 70 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 20.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Orders Demi-Bahamut to execute Akh Morn.
Akh Morn Effect: Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 1,300 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies
Akh Morn
Akh Morn
ID: 7449
Level: 70 Kosten: 0 Range: 50y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 1,300 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while Demi-Bahamut is summoned.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Ruby Rite
Ruby Rite
ID: 25823
Level: 72 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 2.8s Recast: 3.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage with a potency of 540.
Fire Attunement Cost: 1
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Upon execution, the recast timer for this action will be applied to all other weaponskills and magic actions.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Gemshine changes to Ruby Rite when requirements for execution are met.
Topaz Rite
Topaz Rite
ID: 25824
Level: 72 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals earth damage with a potency of 340.
Additional Effect: Grants Titan's Favor
Effect of Titan's Favor ends upon execution of certain summoner actions.
Earth Attunement Cost: 1
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Gemshine changes to Topaz Rite when requirements for execution are met.
Emerald Rite
Emerald Rite
ID: 25825
Level: 72 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals wind damage with a potency of 240.
Wind Attunement Cost: 1
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Gemshine changes to Emerald Rite when requirements for execution are met.
ID: 25826
Level: 74 Kosten: 300 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 120 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Ruby Disaster
Ruby Disaster
ID: 25827
Level: 74 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 2.8s Recast: 3.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage with a potency of 190 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Fire Attunement Cost: 1
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Upon execution, the recast timer for this action will be applied to all other weaponskills and magic actions.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Topaz Disaster
Topaz Disaster
ID: 25828
Level: 74 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals earth damage with a potency of 130 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Earth Attunement Cost: 1
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Emerald Disaster
Emerald Disaster
ID: 25829
Level: 74 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals wind damage with a potency of 90 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Wind Attunement Cost: 1
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Fountain of Fire
Fountain of Fire
ID: 16514
Level: 80 Kosten: 300 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage with a potency of 580.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Firebird Trance.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Ruin III changes to Fountain of Fire when requirements for execution are met.
Brand of Purgatory
Brand of Purgatory
ID: 16515
Level: 80 Kosten: 300 Range: 25y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage with a potency of 240 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Firebird Trance.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Tri-disaster changes to Brand of Purgatory when requirements for execution are met.
Enkindle Phoenix
Enkindle Phoenix
ID: 16516
Level: 80 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 20.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Orders Demi-Phoenix to execute Revelation.
Revelation Effect: Deals fire damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 1,300 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Enkindle Bahamut changes to Enkindle Phoenix when requirements for execution are met.
Everlasting Flight
Everlasting Flight
ID: 16517
Level: 80 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Heilung
Gradually restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 100
Duration: 21s
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
ID: 16518
Level: 80 Kosten: 0 Range: 50y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals fire damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 1,300 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while Demi-Phoenix is summoned.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Scarlet Flame
Scarlet Flame
ID: 16519
Level: 80 Kosten: 0 Range: 50y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage with a potency of 150.
Will only execute while Demi-Phoenix is summoned.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
ID: 25830
Level: 80 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 20.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Heilung
Restores own or target party member's HP.
Cure Potency: 400
Additional Effect: Grants Rekindle to target
Duration: 30s
Rekindle Effect: Healing over time when HP falls below 75% or upon effect duration expiration
Cure Potency: 200
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while in Firebird Trance.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Astral Flow changes to Rekindle when requirements for execution are met.
Summon Phoenix
Summon Phoenix
ID: 25831
Level: 80 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber
Enters Firebird Trance and summons Demi-Phoenix to fight by your side, which executes Everlasting Flight as it manifests.
Demi-Phoenix will execute Scarlet Flame automatically on the targets attacked by you after summoning.
Increases enmity in target when Demi-Phoenix is summoned.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Changes Ruin III to Fountain of Fire and Tri-disaster to Brand of Purgatory
Additional Effect: Grants Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum
Can only be executed while Carbuncle is summoned.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Summon Bahamut changes to Summon Phoenix when requirements for execution are met.
Ruby Catastrophe
Ruby Catastrophe
ID: 25832
Level: 82 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 2.8s Recast: 3.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage with a potency of 210 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Fire Attunement Cost: 1
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Upon execution, the recast timer for this action will be applied to all other weaponskills and magic actions.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Precious Brilliance changes to Ruby Catastrophe when requirements for execution are met.
Topaz Catastrophe
Topaz Catastrophe
ID: 25833
Level: 82 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals earth damage with a potency of 140 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Grants Titan's Favor
Effect of Titan's Favor ends upon execution of certain summoner actions.
Earth Attunement Cost: 1
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Precious Brilliance changes to Topaz Catastrophe when requirements for execution are met.
Emerald Catastrophe
Emerald Catastrophe
ID: 25834
Level: 82 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals wind damage with a potency of 100 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Wind Attunement Cost: 1
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Precious Brilliance changes to Emerald Catastrophe when requirements for execution are met.
Crimson Cyclone
Crimson Cyclone
ID: 25835
Level: 86 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Rushes forward and delivers a fire attack to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 490 for the first enemy, and 65% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Grants Crimson Strike Ready
Effect ends upon execution of certain summoner actions.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Ifrit's Favor.
Cannot be executed while bound.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Astral Flow changes to Crimson Cyclone when requirements for execution are met.
Mountain Buster
Mountain Buster
ID: 25836
Level: 86 Kosten: 2853 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals earth damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 160 for the first enemy, and 70% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Titan's Favor.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Astral Flow changes to Mountain Buster when requirements for execution are met.
ID: 25837
Level: 86 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 3.0s Recast: 3.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals wind damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 490 for the first enemy, and 65% less for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: Creates a windstorm centered around the target, dealing damage to any enemies who enter
Potency: 30
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while under the effect of Garuda's Favor.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Upon execution, the recast timer for this action will be applied to all other weaponskills and magic actions.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Astral Flow changes to Slipstream when requirements for execution are met.
Crimson Strike
Crimson Strike
ID: 25885
Level: 86 Kosten: 0 Range: 3y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 490 for the first enemy, and 65% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Crimson Strike Ready.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Crimson Cyclone changes to Crimson Strike when requirements for execution are met.
Summon Ifrit II
Summon Ifrit II
ID: 25838
Level: 90 Kosten: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Summons Ruby Ifrit and orders it to execute Inferno.
Inferno Effect: Deals fire damage to target and all enemies within 5 yalms with a potency of 800 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies
Additional Effect: Grants 2 stacks of Fire Attunement
Duration: 30s
Fire Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Precious Brilliance become fire-aspected
Additional Effect: Grants Ifrit's Favor
Effect of Ifrit's Favor ends upon execution of certain summoner actions.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Ruby Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
Current pet will leave the battlefield while Ruby Ifrit is present, and return once gone.
Summon Titan II
Summon Titan II
ID: 25839
Level: 90 Kosten: 2 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Summons Topaz Titan and orders it to execute Earthen Fury.
Earthen Fury Effect: Deals earth damage to target and all enemies within 5 yalms with a potency of 800 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies
Additional Effect: Grants 4 stacks of Earth Attunement
Duration: 30s
Earth Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Precious Brilliance become earth-aspected
Can only be executed while under the effect of Topaz Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
Current pet will leave the battlefield while Topaz Titan is present, and return once gone.
Summon Garuda II
Summon Garuda II
ID: 25840
Level: 90 Kosten: 3 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Summons Emerald Garuda and orders it to execute Aerial Blast.
Aerial Blast Effect: Deals wind damage to target and all enemies within 5 yalms with a potency of 800 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies
Additional Effect: Grants 4 stacks of Wind Attunement
Duration: 30s
Wind Attunement Effect: Gemshine and Precious Brilliance become wind-aspected
Additional Effect: Grants Garuda's Favor
Effect of Garuda's Favor ends upon execution of certain summoner actions.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Emerald Arcanum and Carbuncle is summoned.
Current pet will leave the battlefield while Emerald Garuda is present, and return once gone.
ID: 36990
Level: 92 Kosten: 1 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 440.
Aetherflow Gauge Cost: 1
Searing Flash
Searing Flash
ID: 36991
Level: 96 Kosten: 3873 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 600 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Ruby's Glimmer.
Summon Solar Bahamut
Summon Solar Bahamut
ID: 36992
Level: 100 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber
Enters Lightwyrm Trance and summons Solar Bahamut to fight your target.
Solar Bahamut will execute Luxwave automatically on the targets attacked by you after summoning.
Increases enmity in target when Solar Bahamut is summoned.
Duration: 15s
Additional Effect: Grants Refulgent Lux
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Changes Ruin III to Umbral Impulse and Tri-disaster to Umbral Flare
Additional Effect: Grants Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum
Can only be executed while Carbuncle is summoned.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Summon Bahamut changes to Summon Solar Bahamut when requirements for execution are met.
ID: 36993
Level: 100 Kosten: 0 Range: 50y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 160.
Will only execute while Solar Bahamut is summoned.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Umbral Impulse
Umbral Impulse
ID: 36994
Level: 100 Kosten: 300 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 620.
Can only be executed while in Lightwyrm Trance.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Ruin III changes to Umbral Impulse when requirements for execution are met.
Umbral Flare
Umbral Flare
ID: 36995
Level: 100 Kosten: 300 Range: 25y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 280 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Can only be executed while in Lightwyrm Trance.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Tri-disaster changes to Umbral Flare when requirements for execution are met.
ID: 36996
Level: 100 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 20.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 800 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while in Lightwyrm Trance.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Astral Flow changes to Sunflare when requirements for execution are met.
Lux Solaris
Lux Solaris
ID: 36997
Level: 100 Kosten: 3874 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 60.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Heilung
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 500
Can only be executed while under the effect of Refulgent Lux.
Enkindle Solar Bahamut
Enkindle Solar Bahamut
ID: 36998
Level: 100 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 20.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Orders Solar Bahamut to execute Exodus.
Exodus Effect: Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 1,400 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
※Enkindle Bahamut changes to Enkindle Solar Bahamut when requirements for execution are met.
ID: 36999
Level: 100 Kosten: 0 Range: 50y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage to target and all enemies nearby it with a potency of 1,400 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies.
Can only be executed while Solar Bahamut is summoned.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
ID: 203
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 2.0s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Limitrausch Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 1,650 to all enemies near point of impact.
ID: 204
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 10y Cast: 3.0s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Limitrausch Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 3,600 to all enemies near point of impact.
ID: 4246
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 4.5s Recast: 0.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Limitrausch



Lucid Dreaming
Lucid Dreaming
ID: 4B4
Statustyp:  buff
Restoring MP over time.
ID: A0
Statustyp:  buff
Spells cannot be interrupted by taking damage.
ID: A7
Statustyp:  buff
Next spell will require no time to cast.
Gale Enforcer
Gale Enforcer
ID: 74D
Statustyp:  buff
Maintaining a localized windstorm.
ID: 7C3
Statustyp:  buff
The next spell will be cast immediately.
ID: 7C4
Statustyp:  debuff
Damage dealt is reduced.
Fountain of Fire
Fountain of Fire
Statustyp:  debuff
Sustaining fire damage over time.
Everlasting Flight
Everlasting Flight
Statustyp:  buff
Regenerating HP over time.
Radiant Aegis
Radiant Aegis
Statustyp:  buff
A magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
Searing Light
Searing Light
Statustyp:  buff
Damage dealt is increased.
ID: A90
Statustyp:  buff
Undying Flame will be triggered upon HP falling below a certain level or expiration of effect duration.
ID: A92
Statustyp:  buff
Maintaining a localized windstorm.
Radiant Aegis
Radiant Aegis
ID: C98
Statustyp:  buff
Damage taken is reduced, and a magicked barrier is nullifying damage.
ID: C99
Statustyp:  buff
A localized windstorm settles on the ground, dealing wind damage to any who step inside.
Statustyp:  buff
Movement speed is increased.
Dreadwyrm Trance
Dreadwyrm Trance
Statustyp:  buff
Able to execute Astral Impulse and Deathflare.
Everlasting Flight
Everlasting Flight
Statustyp:  buff
Regenerating HP over time. Additional HP will be restored automatically upon falling below a certain level or expiration of effect duration.
Scarlet Flame
Scarlet Flame
Statustyp:  debuff
Sustaining damage over time.
Statustyp:  debuff
Damage dealt is reduced.
Ruby's Glimmer
Ruby's Glimmer
ID: F21
Statustyp:  buff
Able to execute Searing Flash.
Refulgent Lux
Refulgent Lux
ID: F22
Statustyp:  buff
Able to execute Lux Solaris.



Enhanced Aethercharge
Enhanced Aethercharge
ID: 466
Level: 15
Grants Ruby Arcanum and Topaz Arcanum upon executing Aethercharge.
Maim and Mend
Maim and Mend
ID: 66
Level: 20
Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10%. Also increases base damage and HP restoration of your pet by 10%.
Enhanced Aethercharge II
Enhanced Aethercharge II
ID: 467
Level: 22
Grants Ruby Arcanum, Topaz Arcanum, and Emerald Arcanum upon executing Aethercharge.
Ruin Mastery
Ruin Mastery
ID: 217
Level: 30
Upgrades Ruin to Ruin II.
Ruby Summoning Mastery
Ruby Summoning Mastery
ID: 468
Level: 30
Upgrades Summon Ruby to Summon Ifrit.
Topaz Summoning Mastery
Topaz Summoning Mastery
ID: 469
Level: 35
Upgrades Summon Topaz to Summon Titan.
Maim and Mend II
Maim and Mend II
ID: 69
Level: 40
Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30%. Also increases base damage and HP restoration of your pet by 30%.
Emerald Summoning Mastery
Emerald Summoning Mastery
ID: 470
Level: 45
Upgrades Summon Emerald to Summon Garuda.
ID: 471
Level: 50
Enhances the signature attack of summons, upgrading Ifrit-Egi's Burning Strike to Inferno, Titan-Egi's Rock Buster to Earthen Fury, and Garuda-Egi's Aerial Slash to Aerial Blast.
Ruin Mastery II
Ruin Mastery II
ID: 473
Level: 54
Upgrades Ruin II to Ruin III.
Aethercharge Mastery
Aethercharge Mastery
ID: 474
Level: 58
Upgrades Aethercharge to Dreadwyrm Trance.
Enhanced Energy Siphon
Enhanced Energy Siphon
ID: 475
Level: 62
Grants Further Ruin upon executing Energy Drain or Energy Siphon.
Enhanced Dreadwyrm Trance
Enhanced Dreadwyrm Trance
ID: 178
Level: 70
Upgrades Dreadwyrm Trance to Summon Bahamut.
Ruin Mastery III
Ruin Mastery III
ID: 476
Level: 72
Enhances Gemshine according to your current elemental attunement.
Fire Attunement Upgrade: Ruby Rite
Earth Attunement Upgrade: Topaz Rite
Wind Attunement Upgrade: Emerald Rite
Outburst Mastery
Outburst Mastery
ID: 477
Level: 74
Upgrades Outburst to Tri-disaster.
Enhanced Summon Bahamut
Enhanced Summon Bahamut
ID: 502
Level: 80
Upgrades Summon Bahamut to Summon Phoenix when Demi-Bahamut returns from summoning.
Outburst Mastery II
Outburst Mastery II
ID: 478
Level: 82
Enhances Precious Brilliance according to your current elemental attunement.
Fire Attunement Upgrade: Ruby Catastrophe
Earth Attunement Upgrade: Topaz Catastrophe
Wind Attunement Upgrade: Emerald Catastrophe
Ruin Mastery IV
Ruin Mastery IV
ID: 479
Level: 84
Increases the potency of Ruin III to 310, Ruby Rite to 510, Topaz Rite to 330, and Emerald Rite to 230.
Elemental Mastery
Elemental Mastery
ID: 503
Level: 86
Grants Ifrit's Favor upon executing Summon Ifrit, Titan's Favor upon executing Topaz Rite or Topaz Catastrophe, and Garuda's Favor upon executing Summon Garuda.
Enhances Astral Flow according to your current elemental favor.
Ifrit's Favor Upgrade: Crimson Cyclone
Titan's Favor Upgrade: Mountain Buster
Garuda's Favor Upgrade: Slipstream
Enhanced Radiant Aegis
Enhanced Radiant Aegis
ID: 480
Level: 88
Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Radiant Aegis.
Maximum Charges: 2
Enkindle II
Enkindle II
ID: 481
Level: 90
Upgrades Summon Ifrit to Summon Ifrit II, Summon Titan to Summon Titan II, and Summon Garuda to Summon Garuda II.
Enhanced Fester
Enhanced Fester
ID: 617
Level: 92
Upgrades Fester to Necrotize.
Arcane Mastery
Arcane Mastery
ID: 664
Level: 94
Increases the potency of Ruin III to 360, Astral Impulse to 500, Ruin IV to 490, Ruby Rite to 540, Topaz Rite to 340, Emerald Rite to 240, Fountain of Fire to 580, Crimson Strike to 490, Crimson Cyclone to 490, Mountain Buster to 160, Slipstream to 490, Inferno to 800, Earthen Fury to 800, and Aerial Blast to 800.
Enhanced Searing Light
Enhanced Searing Light
ID: 618
Level: 96
Grants Ruby's Glimmer after executing Searing Light.
Duration: 30s
Enhanced Summon Bahamut II
Enhanced Summon Bahamut II
ID: 619
Level: 100
Allows the summoning of Solar Bahamut in addition to Demi-Phoenix and Demi-Bahamut.



Ruin III
Ruin III
ID: 29664
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 6,000.
※Action changes to Ruin IV while under the effect of Further Ruin.
※Action changes to Astral Impulse while under the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
※Action changes to Fountain of Fire while under the effect of Firebird Trance.
Astral Impulse
Astral Impulse
ID: 29665
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 8,000.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Fountain of Fire
Fountain of Fire
ID: 29666
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage with a potency of 6,000.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Firebird Trance.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Crimson Cyclone
Crimson Cyclone
ID: 29667
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 16.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Rushes forward and delivers a fire attack with a potency of 6,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Grants Crimson Strike Ready
Duration: 10s
Cannot be executed while bound.
※Action changes to Crimson Strike upon execution.
Crimson Strike
Crimson Strike
ID: 29668
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 12,000 for the first enemy, and 8,000 for all remaining enemies.
Additional Effect: 5-yalm knockback emanating from first target
Can only be executed while under the effect of Crimson Strike Ready.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
ID: 29669
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 10y Cast: 1.5s Recast: 24.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals wind damage with a potency of 8,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Damage over time
Potency: 4,000
Duration: 6s
Additional Effect: Increases movement speed of party members standing near the target by 25%
Duration: 6s
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Radiant Aegis
Radiant Aegis
ID: 29670
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 20.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schild
Creates a barrier around self or target party member that reduces damage taken by 25% and absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 10,000 potency.
Duration: 10s
Mountain Buster
Mountain Buster
ID: 29671
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 8y EffectRange: 8y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 20.0s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals earth damage with a potency of 10,000 to all enemies in a cone before you.
Additional Effect: Stun
Duration: 2s
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions.
Summon Bahamut
Summon Bahamut
ID: 29673
Level: 0 Kosten: 1 Range: 30y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 10.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Limitrausch
Enters Dreadwyrm Trance and summons Demi-Bahamut to fight at a designated location.
Duration: 20s
Demi-Bahamut will execute Megaflare upon being summoned, then execute Wyrmwave automatically, prioritizing targets with the lowest HP within 30 yalms.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 90s
※Action changes to Deathflare upon execution.
※Ruin III changes to Astral Impulse while under the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
ID: 29675
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 18,000 to all nearby enemies.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
ID: 29676
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 8,000.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Summon Phoenix
Summon Phoenix
ID: 29678
Level: 0 Kosten: 1 Range: 30y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 10.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Limitrausch
Enters Firebird Trance and summons Demi-Phoenix to fight at a designated location.
Duration: 20s
Demi-Phoenix will execute Everlasting Flight upon being summoned, then execute Scarlet Flame automatically, prioritizing the closest target within 30 yalms that is not afflicted with Scarlet Flame.
Can only be executed when the limit gauge is full.
Gauge Charge Time: 90s
※Action changes to Brand of Purgatory upon execution.
※Ruin III changes to Fountain of Fire while under the effect of Firebird Trance.
Everlasting Flight
Everlasting Flight
ID: 29680
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 0y EffectRange: 15y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 1.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Heilung
Gradually restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members.
Cure Potency: 4,000
Duration: 18s
Additional Effect: Restores HP when HP falls below 25% or upon effect duration expiration
Cure Potency: 12,000
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Scarlet Flame
Scarlet Flame
ID: 29681
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 30y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals fire damage with a potency of 4,000.
Additional Effect: Damage over time
Potency: 4,000
Duration: 6s
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Ruin IV
Ruin IV
ID: 41482
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 2.5s Type:  GCD Kategorie:  Zauber Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 8,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Further Ruin.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
ID: 41483
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 0y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 10.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 4,000.
Additional Effect: Grants Further Ruin
Duration: 10s
Maximum Charges: 2
ID: 41484
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 20.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 8,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Can only be executed while under the effect of Dreadwyrm Trance.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.
Brand of Purgatory
Brand of Purgatory
ID: 41485
Level: 0 Kosten: 0 Range: 25y EffectRange: 5y Cast: 0.0s Recast: 20.0s Type:  oGCD Kategorie:  Talent Schaden
Deals fire damage with a potency of 4,000 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Lowers target's damage dealt by 50%
Duration: 6s
Can only be executed while in Firebird Trance.
※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.



Way of the Arcanist
Way of the Arcanist
ID: 65989
Level: 1 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Hermetiker NPC:  Murie Ort: La Noscea > Limsa Lominsa Position: X: 4.5 / Y: 11.2
My First Grimoire
My First Grimoire
ID: 65990
Level: 1 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Hermetiker NPC:  Thubyrgeim Ort: La Noscea > Limsa Lominsa Position: X: 4.7 / Y: 11.4
What's in the Box
What's in the Box
ID: 65991
Level: 5 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Hermetiker NPC:  Thubyrgeim Ort: La Noscea > Limsa Lominsa Position: X: 4.7 / Y: 11.4
Tactical Planning
Tactical Planning
ID: 65992
Level: 10 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Hermetiker NPC:  Thubyrgeim Ort: La Noscea > Limsa Lominsa Position: X: 4.7 / Y: 11.4
Tactical Planning
Tactical Planning
ID: 65993
Level: 10 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Hermetiker NPC:  Thubyrgeim Ort: La Noscea > Limsa Lominsa Position: X: 4.7 / Y: 11.4
Over the Rails
Over the Rails
ID: 65994
Level: 15 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Hermetiker NPC:  Thubyrgeim Ort: La Noscea > Limsa Lominsa Position: X: 4.7 / Y: 11.4
Topaz Teachings
Topaz Teachings
ID: 66639
Level: 15 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Hermetiker NPC:  Thubyrgeim Ort: La Noscea > Limsa Lominsa Position: X: 4.7 / Y: 11.4
Pincer Maneuver
Pincer Maneuver
ID: 65995
Level: 20 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Hermetiker NPC:  Thubyrgeim Ort: La Noscea > Limsa Lominsa Position: X: 4.7 / Y: 11.4
Grimoire Fandango
Grimoire Fandango
ID: 65996
Level: 25 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Hermetiker NPC:  Thubyrgeim Ort: La Noscea > Limsa Lominsa Position: X: 4.7 / Y: 11.4
Sinking Doesmaga
Sinking Doesmaga
ID: 65997
Level: 30 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gildenaufträge der Hermetiker NPC:  Thubyrgeim Ort: La Noscea > Limsa Lominsa Position: X: 4.7 / Y: 11.4
Forgotten but Not Gone
Forgotten but Not Gone
ID: 66633
Level: 30 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Gelehrten-Jobaufträge NPC:  Murie Ort: La Noscea > Limsa Lominsa Position: X: 4.5 / Y: 11.2
Austerities of Earth
Austerities of Earth
ID: 66628
Level: 35 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Beschwörer-Jobaufträge NPC:  Y'mhitra Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 10.9 / Y: 6.3
Shadowing the Summoner
Shadowing the Summoner
ID: 66629
Level: 40 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Beschwörer-Jobaufträge NPC:  Y'mhitra Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 10.9 / Y: 6.3
Allagan Attire
Allagan Attire
ID: 66630
Level: 45 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Beschwörer-Jobaufträge NPC:  Y'mhitra Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 10.9 / Y: 6.3
Austerities of Wind
Austerities of Wind
ID: 66631
Level: 45 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Beschwörer-Jobaufträge NPC:  Y'mhitra Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 10.9 / Y: 6.3
Primal Burdens
Primal Burdens
ID: 66632
Level: 50 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Beschwörer-Jobaufträge NPC:  Y'mhitra Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 10.9 / Y: 6.3
An Egi by Any Other Name
An Egi by Any Other Name
ID: 67896
Level: 50 Expansion:  A Realm Reborn Kategorie:  Nebenaufträge La Noscea NPC:  Thubyrgeim Ort: La Noscea > Limsa Lominsa Position: X: 4.7 / Y: 11.4
A Matter of Fact
A Matter of Fact
ID: 67637
Level: 52 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Beschwörer-Jobaufträge NPC:  Y'mhitra Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 10.9 / Y: 6.3
A Miner Negotiation
A Miner Negotiation
ID: 67638
Level: 54 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Beschwörer-Jobaufträge NPC:  Tanzender Wolf Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 8.7 / Y: 9.3
Mad, Bad, and Ebon-clad
Mad, Bad, and Ebon-clad
ID: 67639
Level: 56 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Beschwörer-Jobaufträge NPC:  Tanzender Wolf Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 8.7 / Y: 9.3
I Could Have Tranced All Night
I Could Have Tranced All Night
ID: 67640
Level: 58 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Beschwörer-Jobaufträge NPC:  Tanzender Wolf Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 8.7 / Y: 9.3
A Flare for the Dramatic
A Flare for the Dramatic
ID: 67641
Level: 60 Expansion:  Heavensward Kategorie:  Beschwörer-Jobaufträge NPC:  Tanzender Wolf Ort: Thanalan > Ul'dah Position: X: 8.7 / Y: 9.3
A Book with Bite
A Book with Bite
ID: 68161
Level: 60 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Beschwörer-Jobaufträge NPC:  Y'mhitra Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 10.9 / Y: 6.3
Performing for Prin
Performing for Prin
ID: 68162
Level: 63 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Beschwörer-Jobaufträge NPC:  Y'mhitra Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 10.9 / Y: 6.3
An Egi-stential Crisis
An Egi-stential Crisis
ID: 68163
Level: 65 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Beschwörer-Jobaufträge NPC:  Y'mhitra Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 10.9 / Y: 6.3
Off the Record
Off the Record
ID: 68164
Level: 68 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Beschwörer-Jobaufträge NPC:  Y'mhitra Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 10.9 / Y: 6.3
An Art for the Living
An Art for the Living
ID: 68165
Level: 70 Expansion:  Stormblood Kategorie:  Beschwörer-Jobaufträge NPC:  Y'mhitra Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 10.9 / Y: 6.3
To Be Second Best
To Be Second Best
ID: 69569
Level: 80 Expansion:  Shadowbringers Kategorie:  Beschwörer-Jobaufträge NPC:  Y'mhitra Ort: Finsterwald > Gridania Position: X: 10.9 / Y: 6.3


Eureka Skills

Wisdom of the Platebearer
Wisdom of the Platebearer
ID: 12960
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Reduces damage taken by 80% while increasing maximum HP by 50%.
Cannot be used with other Wisdom abilities.
Effect ends upon reuse or upon replacement of duty action.

Status: Vermächtnis des Ritters

Wisdom of the Skirmisher
Wisdom of the Skirmisher
ID: 12963
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Increases damage dealt by 20%.
Cannot be used with other Wisdom abilities.
Effect ends upon reuse or upon replacement of duty action.

Status: Vermächtnis des Kampfkünstlers

Wisdom of the Irregular
Wisdom of the Irregular
ID: 12966
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Increases damage dealt by 30% while reducing magic defense by 60%.
Cannot be used with other Wisdom abilities.
Effect ends upon reuse or upon replacement of duty action.

Status: Vermächtnis des Berserkers

Wisdom of the Breathtaker
Wisdom of the Breathtaker
ID: 12967
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Increases poison resistance and movement speed, including mount speed, and increases evasion by 10%.
Cannot be used with other Wisdom abilities.
Effect ends upon reuse or upon replacement of duty action.

Status: Vermächtnis des Diebes

Spirit of the Remembered
Spirit of the Remembered
ID: 12968
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Increases maximum HP by 10% and accuracy by 30%.
Additional Effect: Grants a 70% chance of automatic revival upon KO
Duration: 180m
Protect L
Protect L
ID: 12969
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Reduces physical damage taken by 22%.
Duration: 30m
Shell L
Shell L
ID: 12970
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Reduces magic damage taken by 22%.
Duration: 30m
Death L
Death L
ID: 12971
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
KOs target. The less the target's HP, the greater the chance of success.
Focus L
Focus L
ID: 12972
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Grants a stack of Boost, up to a maximum of 16.
Boost Bonus: Increases potency of next weaponskill by 30% per stack
Duration: 30s
Shares a recast timer with all other weaponskills and spells.
Paralyze L
Paralyze L
ID: 12973
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Afflicts target with Paralysis.
Duration: 60s
Paralyze L III
Paralyze L III
ID: 12974
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Afflicts target and all neaby enemies with Paralysis.
Duration: 60s
Swift L
Swift L
ID: 12975
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Greatly increases movement speed.
Duration: 10s
Featherfoot L
Featherfoot L
ID: 12976
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Increases evasion by 15%.
Duration: 45s
Spirit Dart L
Spirit Dart L
ID: 12977
Level: 70 Type:  Waffenfertigkeit
Delivers a ranged attack with a potency of 100.
Additional Effect: Afflicts target with Spirit Dart L, increasing damage taken by 8%
Duration: 60s
Dispel L
Dispel L
ID: 12979
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Removes one beneficial status from target.
Stealth L
Stealth L
ID: 12981
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Blend in with your surroundings, making it impossible for most enemies to detect you, but reducing movement speed by 50%. Has no effect on certain enemies with special sight.
Cannot be executed while in combat.
Effect ends upon use of any action other than Sprint, or upon reuse.

Status: Logos-Tarnung

Aetherial Manipulation L
Aetherial Manipulation L
ID: 12982
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Rush to a target's side.
Unable to cast if bound.
Backstep L
Backstep L
ID: 12983
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Jump 10 yalms back from current position. Cannot be executed while bound.
Tranquilizer L
Tranquilizer L
ID: 12984
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Stuns target.
Duration: 8s
Bloodbath L
Bloodbath L
ID: 12985
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Converts a portion of damage dealt into HP.
Duration: 45s
Rejuvenate L
Rejuvenate L
ID: 12986
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Instantly restores 50% of maximum HP and MP.
Rapid Recast L
Rapid Recast L
ID: 12988
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Shortens recast time for next ability used by 50%.
Duration: 15s
Cure L
Cure L
ID: 12989
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 9,000
Cure L II
Cure L II
ID: 12990
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 12,000
Stoneskin L
Stoneskin L
ID: 12991
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Creates a barrier around target that absorbs damage totaling 10% of target's maximum HP.
Duration: 30s
Cure L III
Cure L III
ID: 12992
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Restores own or target party member's HP and all party members nearby target.
Cure Potency: 9,000
Regen L
Regen L
ID: 12993
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Grants Regen to target.
Cure Potency: 2,500
Duration: 21s
Esuna L
Esuna L
ID: 12994
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Removes a single detrimental effect from target.
Incense L
Incense L
ID: 12995
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Gesture threateningly, placing yourself at the top of a target's enmity list and increasing enmity generation.
Duration: 15s
Raise L
Raise L
ID: 12996
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Resurrects target to a weakened state.
Bravery L
Bravery L
ID: 12997
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Increases target's damage dealt by 10%.
Duration: 300s
Solid Shield L
Solid Shield L
ID: 12998
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Reduces physical damage taken by 99%.
Duration: 8s
Spell Shield L
Spell Shield L
ID: 12999
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Reduces magic damage taken by 99%.
Duration: 8s
Reflect L
Reflect L
ID: 13000
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Creates a magic-reflecting barrier around self or party member.
Duration: 10s
Magic Burst L
Magic Burst L
ID: 13005
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Increases spell damage by 100% while increasing MP cost.
Duration: 20s
Perception L
Perception L
ID: 14476
Level: 70 Type:  Talent
Reveals all traps within a 15-yalm radius. If no traps exist within 15 yalms, detects whether any traps are present within a 36-yalm radius.
Only effective within dungeons.
Wisdom of the Elder
Wisdom of the Elder
ID: 14477
Level: 70 Type:  Zauber
Increases magic damage dealt by 35% while reducing magic damage taken by 22% and decreasing spell MP cost.
Cannot be used with other Wisdom abilities.
Effect ends upon reuse or upon replacement of duty action.

Status: Vermächtnis des Weisen



Bozja Skills

Lost Focus
Lost Focus
ID: 20714
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Ladung
Grants a stack of Boost, up to a maximum of 16.
Boost Bonus: Increases potency of next weaponskill by 15% per stack
Duration: 30s
Effect ends upon using another lost action.
Shares a recast timer with all other weaponskills and spells.
Lost Font of Magic
Lost Font of Magic
ID: 20715
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Magiefontäne
Increases damage dealt by 70%, draining MP while in use.
Duration: 30s
Spirit of the Veteran Effect: Grants Spell Shield to self
Spell Shield Effect: Reduces magic damage taken by 50%
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Lost Death
Lost Death
ID: 20719
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Tod
KOs target. The less the target's HP, the greater the chance of success.
Spirit of the Ordained Effect: Chance of success is increased
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions.
Banner of Noble Ends
Banner of Noble Ends
ID: 20720
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Gemüt der Verdrossenheit
Storm the field under the Banner of Noble Ends, increasing damage dealt by 50% while reducing own HP recovery via most healing actions by 100%.
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.
Banner of Honored Sacrifice
Banner of Honored Sacrifice
ID: 20721
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Gemüt der Ungehaltenheit
Storm the field under the Banner of Honored Sacrifice, increasing damage dealt by 55% while draining your HP.
Duration: 15s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.
Banner of Honed Acuity
Banner of Honed Acuity
ID: 20725
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Gemüt der Empfindsamkeit
Storm the field under the Banner of Honed Acuity, gaining additional stacks each time an attack is evaded, up to a maximum of 3.
Banner of Honed Acuity Effect: Increases damage taken by 10% per stack
Duration: 120s
At maximum stacks, take up the Banner of Transcendent Finesse.
Banner of Transcendent Finesse Effect: Increases critical hit rate by 30% and reduces weaponskill cast time and recast time, spell cast time and recast time, and auto-attack delay by 20%
Duration: 180s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.
Lost Fair Trade
Lost Fair Trade
ID: 20732
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Handel
Through sheer force of will, restore a random technique of the lost to physical form and throw it at a single target, dealing damage with a potency of 50.
Potency increases up to 1,000 based on the weight of the lost action.
The lost action thrown will be lost upon execution.
This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions.
Lost Flare Star
Lost Flare Star
ID: 22352
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Flare-Stern
Consumes MP to deal unaspected damage with a potency of 300 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Unaspected damage over time
Potency: 350
Duration: 60s
The damage over time effect of Lost Flare Star can only be applied once per target at any given time. This effect cannot be stacked by multiple players.
Lost Chainspell
Lost Chainspell
ID: 23913
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Zauberkette
Temporarily eliminates cast time for all spells.
Duration: 30s
Additional Effect: Magic Burst
Magic Burst Effect: Increases spell damage by 45% while increasing MP cost
Duration: 30s
Spirit of the Ordained Effect: Raises Magic Burst spell damage increase to 100% and nullifies additional MP cost
Spirit of the Watcher Effect: Lost Chainspell duration is extended to 90s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Banner of Solemn Clarity
Banner of Solemn Clarity
ID: 20724
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Gemüt der Besinnlichkeit
Storm the field under the Banner of Solemn Clarity, periodically gaining additional stacks, up to a maximum of 4.
Duration: 30s
Effect ends upon using another action or moving (including facing a different direction).
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
At maximum stacks, take up the Banner of Limitless Grace.
Banner of Limitless Grace Effect: Increases healing potency by 50% while reducing MP cost
Duration: 120s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.
Lost Cure
Lost Cure
ID: 20726
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Vita
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 15,000
Lost Cure II
Lost Cure II
ID: 20727
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Vitra
Restores target's HP.
Cure Potency: 21,700
Spirit of the Savior Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 6,000
Duration: 21s
Lost Cure III
Lost Cure III
ID: 20728
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Vitaga
Restores own or target party member's HP and all party members nearby target.
Cure Potency: 15,000
Lost Cure IV
Lost Cure IV
ID: 20729
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Vitaka
Restores own or target party member's HP and all party members nearby target.
Cure Potency: 21,700
Spirit of the Savior Effect: Regen
Cure Potency: 6,000
Duration: 21s
Lost Sacrifice
Lost Sacrifice
ID: 22345
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Aufopferung
Restores all of a KO'd target's HP.
Cannot be executed if currently afflicted with Sacrifice.
Additional Effect: Inflicts Sacrifice on self
Sacrifice Effect: When effect expires, you will be KO'd
Duration: 10s
Lost Reraise
Lost Reraise
ID: 23912
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Rückkehr aus dem Jenseits
Grants the effect of Reraise to self or target player.
Reraise Effect: Grants an 80% chance of automatic revival upon KO
Duration: 180m
Lost Banish III
Lost Banish III
ID: 20702
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Verbannga
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 200 to target and all enemies nearby it.
Additional Effect: Increases damage undead enemies take by 25%
Duration: 60s
Lost Dispel
Lost Dispel
ID: 20704
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Entzaubern
Removes one beneficial status from target.
Cancels auto-attack upon execution.
Lost Burst
Lost Burst
ID: 23909
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Knall
Deals lightning damage with a potency of 300 to all nearby enemies.
Additional Effect: Interrupts all nearby enemies
Additional Effect: Increases damage taken by enemies with Magical Aversion by 10%
Duration: 60s
Lost Stealth
Lost Stealth
ID: 20705
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Coeurl-Pfoten
Blend in with your surroundings, making it impossible for most enemies to detect you, but reducing movement speed by 25%. Has no effect on certain enemies with special sight.
Cannot be executed while in combat.
Effect ends upon use of any action other than Sprint, or upon reuse.
Lost Swift
Lost Swift
ID: 20708
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Eile
Greatly increases movement speed.
Effect cannot be stacked with other movement speed enhancing abilities.
Duration: 10s
Spirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Increases evasion by 30%
Duration: 60s
Spirit of the Watcher Effect: Grants Rapid Recast to self
Rapid Recast Effect: Shortens recast time for next ability used by 60%
Effect only applies to certain abilities.
Duration: 30s
Lost Font of Skill
Lost Font of Skill
ID: 20716
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Technikfontäne
Resets the recast timer for most actions and role actions.
ID: 20733
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Nachahmung
Study the lost techniques used by a targeted ally and make them your own.
Cannot be executed while in combat.
Lost Perception
Lost Perception
ID: 22344
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Tigeraugen
Detect traps within a radius of 15 yalms.
If there are no traps within 15 yalms, alerts you to the presence of traps with a radius of 36 yalms.
※This action can only be used in Delubrum Reginae.
Lost Impetus
Lost Impetus
ID: 23918
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Impuls
Quickly dash 10 yalms forward.
Additional Effect: Applies Lost Swift to self and nearby party members
Lost Swift Effect: Greatly increases movement speed
Effect cannot be stacked with other movement speed enhancing abilities.
Duration: 10s
Spirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Increases evasion of self and nearby party members by 15%
Duration: 60s
Spirit of the Watcher Effect: Grants Rapid Recast to self and nearby party members
Rapid Recast Effect: Shortens recast time for next ability used by 25%
Effect only applies to certain abilities.
Duration: 15s
Cannot be executed while bound.
Lost Spellforge
Lost Spellforge
ID: 20706
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Zauberschmiede
Grants the effect of Lost Spellforge to self or target ally.
Lost Spellforge Effect: All attacks deal magic damage. However, all bonuses to damage dealt are determined by the attack's base damage type.
Duration: 300s
Effect cannot be stacked with Lost Steelsting.
Lost Steelsting
Lost Steelsting
ID: 20707
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Stahlstachel
Grants the effect of Lost Steelsting to self or target ally.
Lost Steelsting Effect: All attacks deal physical damage. However, all bonuses to damage dealt are determined by the attack's base damage type.
Duration: 300s
Effect cannot be stacked with Lost Spellforge.
Lost Protect
Lost Protect
ID: 20709
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Protes
Applies a barrier to self or target player reducing physical damage taken by 10%.
Duration: 30m
Lost Shell
Lost Shell
ID: 20710
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Vallum
Applies a barrier to self or target player reducing magic damage taken by 10%.
Duration: 30m
Lost Reflect
Lost Reflect
ID: 20711
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Reflexion
Creates a barrier around self or party member that reflects most magic attacks.
Duration: 10s
Spirit of the Guardian Effect: Duration is increased to 30s
Lost Stoneskin
Lost Stoneskin
ID: 20712
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Steinhaut
Applies a barrier to self or target player that absorbs damage totaling 15% of target's maximum HP.
Duration: 60s
Lost Bravery
Lost Bravery
ID: 20713
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Courage
Increases damage dealt by an ally or self by 5%.
Duration: 600s
Lost Stoneskin II
Lost Stoneskin II
ID: 23908
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Steinrahaut
Creates a barrier around self and all party members near you that absorbs damage totaling 10% of maximum HP.
Duration: 30s
Lost Protect II
Lost Protect II
ID: 23915
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Protes II
Applies a barrier to self or target player reducing physical damage taken by 15%.
Duration: 30m
Lost Shell II
Lost Shell II
ID: 23916
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollenes Vallum II
Applies a barrier to self or target player reducing magic damage taken by 15%.
Duration: 30m
Lost Bubble
Lost Bubble
ID: 23917
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Blase
Increases maximum HP of self or target player by 30%.
Duration: 600s
Lost Manawall
Lost Manawall
ID: 20703
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Mana-Wand
Temporarily applies Heavy to self, while reducing damage taken by 90% and nullifying most knockback and draw-in effects.
Duration: 6s
Banner of Firm Resolve
Banner of Firm Resolve
ID: 20723
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Gemüt der Folgsamkeit
Storm the field under the Banner of Firm Resolve, gaining additional stacks each time damage is taken, up to a maximum of 5.
Banner of Firm Resolve Effect: Reduces damage dealt by 15% per stack
Duration: 30s
At maximum stacks, take up the Banner of Unyielding Defense.
Banner of Unyielding Defense Effect: Reduces damage taken by 30%
Duration: 180s
Effect cannot be stacked with other Banner actions.
Lost Incense
Lost Incense
ID: 20731
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollener Hohn
Gesture threateningly, placing yourself at the top of a target's enmity list.
Additional Effect: Enmity generation is increased and damage taken is reduced by 20%
Duration: 20s
Lost Excellence
Lost Excellence
ID: 23919
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Verschollene Exzellenz
Instantly cures Weakness and temporarily nullifies most attacks, while increasing damage dealt by 65%. Memorable will be applied when effect ends.
Duration: 10s
Memorable Effect: Increases damage dealt by 65% while decreasing damage taken by 10%
Duration: 50s
Can only be executed while in combat.
Dynamis Dice
Dynamis Dice
ID: 20692
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Würfel des Schicksals
Resistance Phoenix
Resistance Phoenix
ID: 20735
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Phönixfeder des Widerstands
Resurrects target to a weakened state.
Resistance Reraiser
Resistance Reraiser
ID: 20736
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Lebensfeder des Widerstands
Grants a 70% chance of automatic revival upon KO.
Duration: 180m
Resistance Potion Kit
Resistance Potion Kit
ID: 20737
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Tränkesammlung des Widerstands
Grants Auto-potion to self.
Auto-potion Effect: Restores HP automatically when HP falls below 50%
Duration: 600s
When triggered, there is a 50% chance the effect will end.
Spirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Chance for Auto-potion effect to end is reduced to 10%
Shares a recast timer with Resistance Ether Kit and Resistance Medikit.
Resistance Ether Kit
Resistance Ether Kit
ID: 20738
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Äthersammlung des Widerstands
Grants Auto-ether to self.
Auto-ether Effect: Restores MP automatically when MP falls below 20%
Duration: 600s
When triggered, there is a 50% chance the effect will end.
Spirit of the Breathtaker Effect: Chance for Auto-ether effect to end is reduced to 10%
Shares a recast timer with Resistance Potion Kit and Resistance Medikit.
Resistance Medikit
Resistance Medikit
ID: 20739
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Kräutersammlung des Widerstands
Removes a single detrimental effect from self. When not suffering from detrimental effects, creates a barrier that protects against most status ailments. The barrier is removed after curing the next status ailment suffered.
Effect cannot be stacked with similar barrier actions.
Duration: 30m
Shares a recast timer with Resistance Potion Kit and Resistance Ether Kit.
Resistance Potion
Resistance Potion
ID: 20740
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Heiltrank des Widerstands
Gradually restores HP.
Cure Potency: 1,600
Duration: 40s
Shares a recast timer with Dynamis Dice and Resistance Elixir.
Essence of the Savior
Essence of the Savior
ID: 20743
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Heilers
Increases healing potency by 60%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Essence of the Veteran
Essence of the Veteran
ID: 20744
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Kampfmagiers
Increases physical defense by 150%, magic defense by 45%, and maximum HP by 60%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Essence of the Ordained
Essence of the Ordained
ID: 20747
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Priesters
Increases damage dealt by 20%, healing potency by 25%, and maximum MP by 50%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Essence of the Skirmisher
Essence of the Skirmisher
ID: 20748
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Kriegers
Increases damage dealt by 20% and critical hit rate by 15%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Essence of the Watcher
Essence of the Watcher
ID: 20749
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Spähers
Reduces maximum HP by 5% while increasing evasion by 40%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Essence of the Breathtaker
Essence of the Breathtaker
ID: 20752
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank des Diebes
Increases poison resistance and movement speed, including mount speed, and increases evasion by 10%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Essence of the Beast
Essence of the Beast
ID: 20754
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Zaubertrank der Wolfsleute
Increases defense by 50% and maximum HP by 45%.
Additional Effect: Absorb a portion of damage dealt as HP
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Savior
Deep Essence of the Savior
ID: 20758
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Heilers
Increases healing potency by 72%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Veteran
Deep Essence of the Veteran
ID: 20759
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Kampfmagiers
Increases physical defense by 180%, magic defense by 54%, and maximum HP by 72%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Ordained
Deep Essence of the Ordained
ID: 20762
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Priesters
Increases damage dealt by 24%, healing potency by 30%, and maximum MP by 60%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Skirmisher
Deep Essence of the Skirmisher
ID: 20763
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Kriegers
Increases damage dealt by 24% and critical hit rate by 18%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Watcher
Deep Essence of the Watcher
ID: 20764
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Spähers
Reduces maximum HP by 3% while increasing evasion by 48%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Breathtaker
Deep Essence of the Breathtaker
ID: 20767
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank des Diebes
Increases poison resistance and movement speed, including mount speed, and increases evasion by 20%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Deep Essence of the Beast
Deep Essence of the Beast
ID: 20769
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Wundertrank der Wolfsleute
Increases defense by 60% and maximum HP by 54%.
Additional Effect: Absorb a portion of damage dealt as HP
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence or Deep Essence actions.
Pure Essence of the Gambler
Pure Essence of the Gambler
ID: 22346
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Maxtrank des Draufgängers
Increases evasion by 11%, critical hit rate by 77%, and direct hit rate by 77%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence, Deep Essence, or Pure Essence actions.
It is said that Pure Essences may grant unexpected effects...
※This action can only be used in Delubrum Reginae.
Pure Essence of the Elder
Pure Essence of the Elder
ID: 22347
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Maxtrank des Weisen
Increases defense by 25%, damage dealt by 50%, and maximum HP by 100%.
Effect ends upon reuse.
Cannot be used with other Essence, Deep Essence, or Pure Essence actions.
It is said that Pure Essences may grant unexpected effects...
※This action can only be used in Delubrum Reginae.
ID: 23907
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Stein der Rückführung
Instantly return to the starting point of the area.
Cannot be executed while in combat.
Shares a recast timer with all other weaponskills and spells.
Light Curtain
Light Curtain
ID: 23911
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Lichtvorhang
Grants the effect of Lost Reflect to self.
Lost Reflect Effect: Reflects most magic attacks
Duration: 10s
Shares a recast timer with all other weaponskills and spells.
Resistance Elixir
Resistance Elixir
ID: 23922
Level: 80 Frontsplitter:  Elixier des Widerstands
Restores own HP and MP to maximum.
Shares a recast timer with Resistance Potion and Dynamis Dice.