'Tis so stately and subdued in here... I am reminded of Erralig's Burial Chamber." - (34061)"Is that a hecatoncheir!? And what are those in the walls? Windmills?" - (34176)"The silkie's aether... It had the exact same feel as Mother's." - (34231)"Thinking on it now, all these defenses were likely put in place to ensure an escape route for the royal family." - (34088)"If only that powder had never been concocted... Heavy do I feel the burden of my ancestors' sins this day." - (34048)"Who would have abandoned their cleaning gear in here?" - (34213)"To think that such a cavernous hollow yawns directly beneath Ul'dah!" - (34026)"<sigh> Whilst I should like to linger still, I fear Papashan will soon note my absence. Let us be away." - (34253)"Disembodied voices, dimly lit staircases... It has the feel of a haunted crypt." - (34036)"Oh! This was no simple pattern on the floor! It was a teleportation portal!" - (34210)"Could this camp be from the time of the zombie purge? Was Father hoping I would see this one day...?" - (34030)"Its arms! They switched sides! What a dirty trick..." - (34005)"If you can best a hecatoncheir so handily, then it certainly bodes well for the remainder of our expedition!" - (34025)"Ah...I've seen such contrivances before. We must balance the scales ere we can proceed." - (34079)"A storage room for ceremonial objects suggests a ceremonial chamber is nearby..." - (34127)"Finding this place must have been the reason Father gave me the key. One reason, at least." - (34252)"If this message is for me, then why leave it here!? My parents had such faith that I would find it..." - (34137)"This book appears to be a catalog of some kind. Oh! These items are all proof of the past alliance!" - (34135)"Of course, this is the Sil'dihn royal palace! Look at this banner by the door here..." - (34077)"Some manner of rodent? Surely even I can best a couple of mice..." - (34148)"You see that bubble around its puff? That must be how it channels its cleaning magicks!" - (34159)"All those puffs in a row... You had best keep on your toes!" - (34264)"Who is speaking!? Well, I've not come this far to let a door turn me away. Break it down!" - (34034)"They told me of a private place to which they would slip away; a haven from the bustle of palace life." - (34249)"Nald preserve me from creepers and crawlers. Pray clear the path, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>." - (34017)"I would not have believed anyone could topple that silver-skinned brute had I not seen it with mine own eyes!" - (34120)"A hecatoncheir!? Why would it make its lair in this muddy pit?" - (34170)"The royal treasury! A puzzle solved leading to riches untold... Just like in the stories!" - (34106)"Ugh, the reek of sewage is overpowering! Does this hecatoncheir have no sense of smell!?" - (34173)"Bother. My key was not made to open this gate. ...Hm? It says here, “Two eyes are needed to see.”" - (34208)"I would not have believed anyone could topple that silver-skinned brute had I not seen it with mine own eyes!" - (34112)"I specifically requested no rocking, bouncing, or jouncing! Gods above, I was almost pitched over the side..." - (34072)"Aha! That seemed to do the trick...though the riddle itself yet confounds me. A puzzle for another day." - (34242)"The barrier fades! 'Twould seem your prayers were answered." - (34110)"Of course, this is the Sil'dihn royal palace! Look at this banner by the door here..." - (34104)"A tragic end to a valiant warrior. He at least seemed unaware of his...affliction." - (34038)"What have we here...?" - (34232)"Judging by the sentinels we've encountered, 'tis clear Sil'dih's military was a force to be reckoned with." - (34096)"And assuming that giant mouse─the silkie─was hers, then I imagine it was here to protect their special spot." - (34251)"Watch your footing! 'Tis coming up through the floor!" - (34175)"The size of your opponent matters not, it seems! A reassuring thought as we delve further into the unknown!" - (34102)"My, what a beautiful garden! See how the sunlight falls upon the flowers just so." - (34256)"You've triggered some spell of opening! I wonder why they chose to conceal this passage..." - (34058)"'Tis doubtful some thief had a sudden fit of decorating...but we shall leave it for now. Other mysteries abound." - (34228)"Talk of jugs behind barred doors reminded me of the legend, is all. Shall we continue on?" - (34229)"Ware the deluge of water! You will be washed away for sure!" - (34263)"Drakes! Just like the ones the Amalj'aa tame! Is it me, or are some of these creatures awfully large...?" - (34057)"I am put in mind of mine own chambers, secret passageways and all. I wonder..." - (34076)"Oh, I see! This must be where they stored their ritual materials." - (34059)"We've uncovered much and more─plenty enough to occupy my thoughts for the time being. You have my thanks!" - (34068)"All this greenery makes for a nice change. And look: have you ever seen fruits like these!?" - (34241)"Ugh! Pfbt! Pfbt! Thome of id fell in by bouth... Is adventuring always this disgusting!?" - (34021)"'Twould seem you discovered the custodian's closet..." - (34215)"'Tis said that it could scoop up any amount of water at once, and was locked away after it drained an entire oasis." - (34217)"Such a beautiful garden! Not the sort of place one expects to find at the end of a grimy tunnel." - (34221)"That culvert at the back is positively clogged. Would more water flush out the mud, I wonder?" - (34151)"Have you heard the Ul'dahn folktale of the magicked ewer?" - (34216)"The decay is especially bad in this section. I fear the fungal growth is all which keeps it from collapsing." - (34023)"What do they feed on down here? Each other? And why must it smell so positively putrid?" - (34018)"Heavens forfend... Am I to trust in this wind to carry me over!?" - (34084)"Is he playing games...? Mind the barrel tops─there must be a reason for those markings." - (34179)"Though we worship different gods, I shall offer up a prayer for his peaceful repose all the same." - (34040)"Even empty of pests, this place is a dank, mold-ridden nightmare. How long has it lain untended?" - (34020)"Oh, that redirected the water flow! 'Tis the first I've seen such a mechanism at work!" - (34152)"That final burst of aether confirmed my suspicions: 'twas definitely Mother who created the silkie." - (34219)"My, what a picturesque scene! See how the sunlight falls upon the flowers just so." - (34247)"What is that noise? Something coming down the drainage pipes?" - (34172)"But look at these scattered coins... Has a burglar broken in before us, perchance?" - (34107)"Watch out! They had more boulders up there!" - (34166)"Where do you suppose that water went to...?" - (34153)"Nay, this rot cannot be allowed to continue. The tunnels need reinforcement, not to mention a thorough cleaning..." - (34051)"Oh, it opened! I worried it may have rusted shut." - (34101)"How undignified! I shall be seeking out an alternate route for the return trip!" - (34085)"I would not have believed anyone could topple that silver-skinned brute had I not seen it with mine own eyes!" - (34095)"You are performing the funerary rites? Then I should light the incense, and say a prayer for the fallen." - (34130)"I imagine her coming here with Father, to simply sit and enjoy the tranquility. " - (34258)"<sigh> Whilst I should like to linger still, I fear Papashan will soon note my absence. Let us be away." - (34238)"This must have been their quiet little retreat; the familiar put in place to protect it." - (34224)"And in mere moments, the way is clear! Hardly an inconvenience for our mighty champion." - (34070)"Zombie horde? Could this warrior have endured since the Thorne Dynasty...? But that was centuries ago!" - (34007)"I should have liked to come here with them, but 'tis comforting to feel the echo of their presence, nonetheless." - (34225)"A tragic end to a valiant warrior. He at least seemed unaware of his...affliction." - (34046)"Oh, we've picked the same gate! That settles that, then!" - (34143)"And what is this wedged in its pages...? “May the reader of this letter be our darling Nanamo.”" - (34136)"Aha! That lit up the teleporter! Come along─nothing ventured, nothing gained." - (34105)"These are precious relics, every one. Think you they might be blessed or enchanted in some fashion?" - (34060)"The size of your opponent matters not, it seems! A reassuring thought as we delve further into the unknown!" - (34075)"Two eyes... Some manner of riddle, do you suppose?" - (34209)"Did you know that Ul'dahn and Amalj'aa once fought side by side? 'Tis not common knowledge." - (34031)"That gate looks awfully heavy. Let us try the handle, and hope these gears and chains do most of the lifting." - (34073)"Mother must have wanted to protect this place. Why else set the silkie to guard it?" - (34257)"Let's see where it leads, shall we?" - (34211)"This rug, too, seems a relatively recent addition. See how the stone beneath it is cracked and worn?" - (34227)"There are no other exits that I can spy... I suspect this chamber was a dead end for cornering thieves." - (34121)"Yes, most definitely Amalj'aa construction. Fortifications built for war, rather than habitation, I would say." - (34029)"Gah! Not mice, not mice, definitely not mice!" - (34149)"Who built this oversized mammet!? And why, oh why does it have those Amalj'aa limbs!?" - (34001)"'Tis so stately and subdued in here... I am reminded of Erralig's Burial Chamber." - (34044)"What cruel irony that a hero of the zombie purge would become the very thing he sought to vanquish." - (34064)"Mother always called it their “secret garden.”" - (34250)"He seems awfully...wrathful." - (34163)"Nay...'tis the vault itself they wished for me to discover. And these priceless truths preserved within." - (34138)"Have a care! Those gusts will blow you clear into the air!" - (34165)"Is that a hecatoncheir!? And those rollers... Some form of conveyance?" - (34177)"The silkie's aether... It had the exact same feel as Mother's." - (34246)"Impressive! A lifetime of adventure teaches one more than just battlecraft, I see." - (34043)"Ah, that breeze feels wonderful after the stuffy closeness of the tunnels." - (34207)"Interesting. The lift appears of Ul'dahn design, albeit an old one, but everything else screams “Amalj'aa.”" - (34055)"Yes, most definitely Amalj'aa construction. Fortifications built for war, rather than habitation, I would say." - (34056)"I should rather not traverse a fungal bridge, but I suppose if we hurry across..." - (34022)"That gap is rather wide... Barring some unlikely acrobatics on my part, I am afraid we are at an impasse." - (34082)"And yet so abhorrent was the zombie curse, even a hero of his obvious stature was sealed behind an iron door." - (34047)"The door is open, but not so the way. Mayhap salvation lies with Nald or Thal...?" - (34109)"Strange to think these giant pipes lie unseen, just yalms beneath the streets of Ul'dah..." - (34150)"The puffs are lathered with soap now... I fear they mean business!" - (34266)"Gah! You see!? Even the water is some ghastly shade of...wait. Is that ceruleum?" - (34024)"Golems! And blocking the path we mean to take, no less." - (34212)"We've wandered into some antique dining hall. A rich setting, indeed; one might even say “palatial.”" - (34103)"Barely a test of your mettle, I see. Well done!" - (34147)"Interesting. The lift appears of Ul'dahn design, albeit an old one, but everything else screams “Amalj'aa.”" - (34028)"How is this fair!? It has an entire bank of artillery at its command!" - (34002)"Impressive! 'Tis akin to having my own personal battering ram!" - (34035)"Oho! 'Twould seem your prayers were answered." - (34118)"Why would a hecatoncheir be down here!? It seems disinclined to let us pass peacefully..." - (34171)"Oh, but what of these levers? Their position seems highly suggestive of their relation to yon yawning pit." - (34083)"These things belonged to Mother and Father!" - (34223)"Ul'dahn and Amalj'aa banners, hanging side by side... What have we stumbled into this time?" - (34134)"My heart weeps that we must fell such a fierce ally of Ul'dah..." - (34016)"...And why do I feel I've seen these particular brushes before?" - (34214)"I wonder, could this be the sanctuary of which my parents spoke?" - (34248)"Simply a matter of selecting the correct weights! Surely you recognize one or two of these symbols, yes?" - (34080)"Raising one of these lifts should provide us passage across. Assuming, of course, that the winch yet functions..." - (34027)"These waterways are in dire need of maintenance. I must arrange something with the palace custodians." - (34155)"A tragic end to a valiant warrior. He at least seemed unaware of his...affliction." - (34063)"That bluish film atop the water is ceruleum! But that hardly explains the hecatoncheir in the room..." - (34174)"Hm, why that one...? Very well. The adventurer knows best!" - (34144)"I would not have believed anyone could topple that silver-skinned brute had I not seen it with mine own eyes!" - (34087)"Three more gates...? 'Twould seem we have a choice to make." - (34141)"That jug... 'Tis not possible!" - (34262)"These creatures look distinctly unfriendly. If you would be so kind...?" - (34146)"We've uncovered much and more─plenty enough to occupy my thoughts for the time being. You have my thanks!" - (34042)"That grape-embossed helm... 'Tis the mark of a Sil'dihn-forged gladiator!" - (34161)"<sigh> Whilst I should like to linger still, I fear Papashan will soon note my absence. Let us be away." - (34260)"Oh, it opened! I worried it may have rusted shut." - (34074)"Come, let us return to Ul'dah, where I can thank you properly for your most invaluable escort!" - (34139)"A dreadful sentry and a dead end chamber... I suspect this was a trap for overly ambitious thieves." - (34113)"Ah... An Amalj'aa coffin, if I am not mistaken." - (34128)"And this tableware..." - (34222)"Still, I must wonder how long this fallen hero slumbered here in cursed undeath. Trapped alone in this forgotten tomb..." - (34039)"Such a beautiful garden! Not the sort of place one expects to find at the end of a grimy tunnel." - (34233)"Surely you do not expect me to cross that rickety thing! Slowly, then...and no rocking the bridge!" - (34071)"We've uncovered much and more─plenty enough to occupy my thoughts for the time being. You have my thanks!" - (34050)"<sigh> Whilst I should like to linger still, I fear Papashan will soon note my absence. Let us be away." - (34226)"A door of solid iron─and no sign my key will open it. Do you see any handy levers or the like...?" - (34032)"Gracious! Would they haul the boulder up the ramp every time...? Still, I must say it makes for a stable bridge!" - (34093)"The silkie's aether... It had the exact same feel as Mother's." - (34255)"Another secret passage!? This place certainly is full of surprises." - (34131)"Such fluffy, puffy flowers..." - (34244)"Strange. Its aether feels awfully, well, familiar, if you would pardon the pun." - (34158)"What have we here...?" - (34220)"And victory is yours! I am blessed to keep company with such a formidable ally." - (34204)"And victory is yours! I am blessed to keep company with such a formidable ally." - (34239)"