These winds could blow a man away...and will, if we do not tread carefully!" - (36315)"No, some other mechanism. What if I..." - (36448)"For now, treasure awaits! As do the monk and his minions, of course. Do have care." - (36413)"Well done, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>! Even the fiercest mononoke is no match for you!" - (36390)"Even a king of beasts is no match for you, I see! Well done, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>." - (36479)"The temple stretches on ever further. Step lively, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>! We've plenty to explore." - (36416)"The Hingans call these clay figures “dogu”─but why is one here, of all places?" - (36464)"You thought to go down this path as well? How reassuring!" - (36307)"Such tumultuous spirits! Servants of the wind, no doubt." - (36314)"Thank the kami the winds have ceased... We should make for shelter ere we are blown back to the foot of the mountain!" - (36373)"They may have strength in numbers, but worry not! If you cannot beat them, dodge them, I say!" - (36372)"She must be in the thrall of a treasure. A promising lead...though at an unfortunate cost." - (36382)"A grand gate. What lies beyond, I wonder?" - (36309)"I once dreamed of shaking hands with a giant oni, but not like this!" - (36371)"Under the auspices of two auspices, as it were. Curious." - (36376)"...Would that we had arrived sooner. Judging by her supernatural size, the demons have already taken that poor shinobi." - (36381)"A clash for the ages! Life-threatening circumstances aside, 'tis always a pleasure to witness bushido at work." - (36402)"That precarious pile of crates is a mountain unto itself! " - (36423)"I might have known that Suzaku and Seiryu were the guardians of this gateway─though in fairness, one usually needs grapple with only one at a time. " - (36380)"Mountain weather is wont to change on a whim, but 'tis not nature's whims at work here..." - (36312)"I espy a most promising pagoda! Let us make it our destination." - (36310)"The head monk, I take it? And bearing a form befitting his proclivities..." - (36324)"A sorry attempt at an ambush, if you ask me...but let us continue on." - (36506)"The bloodlust is palpable... Have care, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>! I shall be right here─at a reasonably safe distance─cheering you on!" - (36384)"A deed fit for legend! Quite literally, for Shishio appears in countless Hingan myths." - (36485)"We have yet to see hide nor hair of Gorai..." - (36420)"You too are a connoisseur of Far Eastern maps, I trust? Terribly charming, how the Four Lords are shown ruling the cardinal directions." - (36378)"I understand you adventurers enjoy the roads less traveled, but─ And there he goes. Courage, Hancock!" - (36469)"Though the temple's isolation is a blessing for the smallfolk, I imagine it made the monks' experience all the more harrowing..." - (36419)"Splendid as these statues are, they appear lacking in the “accursed” aspect. Our quarry must lie further in." - (36418)"What curious creatures! They must have been emboldened by these terrible torrents." - (36311)"There are few things more breathtaking than autumnal leaves...even if they are out of season. The influence of a treasure, I suspect." - (36468)"Even the inner sanctum is plagued with demons. If any who remained did survive, 'twould be nothing short of a miracle." - (36417)"In any case, the monks went to great pains to conceal this path. What could have warranted such secrecy?" - (36450)"The blossoms must be enchanted. Keep a watchful eye on how they fly, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>!" - (36358)"That sounded promising... If you suddenly hear my winsome wailing, you had best come running!" - (36427)"One cannot go wrong with a rustic log bridge─assuming the trunk is free of angry spirits, of course..." - (36476)"If I had to wager a guess, these must be the temple's stores. Rather spacious, aren't they?" - (36374)"Such a tranquil place, these mountain heights. By the look of it, I presume it is not a path that many tread." - (36470)"Only an entity of great power could transform its surrounds so dramatically. You did well to outmaneuver it." - (36454)"The warding talismans on this boulder give me pause...but it shall serve as well as any bridge, I suppose." - (36475)"...What, pray tell, is that look for?" - (36386)"Breathtaking! 'Tis as though the majestic tiger it depicts might pounce off the screen at any─ Oh?" - (36421)"Hmm... 'Tis not the first of those stones we've encountered. Do they serve as shrines of some sort?" - (36471)"Curious... This lantern shines differently than the rest. The mononoke's influence, perhaps?" - (36447)"That was not an invitation! Your assistance, please, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>!" - (36422)"I'd wager the tsukumogami is the pipe itself─its body a mere illusion." - (36452)"Beware the biwa's melody, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>! It resounds with power..." - (36327)"Just a moment─I have read of this before! If I am not mistaken, that mononoke is Shishio, king among nue!" - (36478)"Well done, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>! You are an unholy terror on the battlefield─and I mean that in the most flattering way." - (36396)"Somehow, I doubt that brute has learned its lesson... But let us continue on." - (36424)"A path straight up the holy mount, is it? How refreshingly dangerous!" - (36462)"So the glass serves as a magicked doorknob of sorts? The monks were certainly inventive..." - (36377)"Admirable as always, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>! Few would be so keen to face down a rat of that size." - (36441)"I, for one, have naught but respect for our new clay comrade! ...Do you think it can hear us?" - (36474)"Fallen leaves and fresh greenery in such close proximity? 'Tis passing strange." - (36467)"Kami forfend! We could suffocate under this wicked haze..." - (36451)"I should like to pat their fluffy little heads, but a well-trained pup will go to great lengths to protect its master..." - (36359)"A brilliant display! With the demonic smoke dispelled, we may breathe easy once more." - (36453)"How pleasingly picturesque! Had we no demons to slay, I would suggest a more leisurely stroll." - (36408)"It came to the mountain long before Gorai's time─was sealed here by the very founder of Shojo Temple, in fact." - (36492)"One wonders what artifacts he might have unveiled had you waited a touch longer to deal the killing blow...but there's naught to be done about it now. " - (36437)"Gods be good! I know not how, but the statue has awakened...and it did not wake on the right side of the proverbial bed!" - (36477)"A harrowing display! Such ferocity have I rarely seen!" - (36497)"That is one mononoke felled─though if the legends are to be believed, Shishio is a wholly different beast than its tsukumogami brethren." - (36491)"Were I a treasure─cursed or no─I imagine I would abide within these walls. But where..." - (36375)"No shrine is built without purpose...or so I have heard. If such is the case, then what might this one be for?" - (36472)"Interested in a different path? I shall place my trust in your intuition." - (36308)"The statues keep silent vigil in their masters' absence...but they are not the treasures we seek. Onward!" - (36415)"Lesson learned, Hancock─do not prod eerily glowing objects!" - (36449)"And so the demon is slain!" - (36435)"Ah, a secret stairwell! How very convenient." - (36428)"Mark where the armor readies its blade─though it has quite a reach, it cannot strike everywhere at once!" - (36504)"Thank the kami the rains have ceased... We should make for shelter ere another storm passes through." - (36313)"If only we had time for the typical ablutions... But a proper pilgrimage must wait for another day." - (36412)"That ahead is Shojo Temple, home to Gorai and his accursed collection!" - (36411)"Though his avarice availed him curious tools, your skill carried the day." - (36436)"Best to let sleeping dogu lie. For all we know, it could be cursed." - (36465)"I suppose we're obliged to take the scenic route." - (36410)"By the kami, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>, how did you get up there?" - (36425)"I shudder to think of the chaos should those creatures find their way to civilization..." - (36409)"One, in fact, tells of a wayfaring warrior who triumphed over it long ago." - (36486)"Both master and minion, irascible to the last..." - (36429)"I admit that I was equally tempted to pull that rope, though part of me wishes you hadn't..." - (36414)"I see no clockwork mechanisms... We've an honest-to-kami mononoke on our hands." - (36383)"If that dogu turns on us, its extermination shall be your responsibility, I hope you know!" - (36466)"Adventurers and their climbing... Why, just the other day, on Kugane Tower─ But perhaps that is a tale for another time." - (36426)"