Aloalo Ahool
Aloalo Ahool
Aloalo Anala
Aloalo Anala
Aloalo Asvattha
Aloalo Asvattha
Aloalo Baritine Croc
Aloalo Baritine Croc
Aloalo Treant
Aloalo Treant
Fügt Status
Aloalo Monstera
Aloalo Monstera
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Aloalo Boarlet
Aloalo Boarlet
Aloalo Goobbue
Aloalo Goobbue
Aloalo Hamsa
Aloalo Hamsa
Aloalo Sallet
Aloalo Sallet
Aloalo Wood Golem
Aloalo Wood Golem
Aloalo Khalamari
Aloalo Khalamari
Fügt Status
Aloalo Gigantoad
Aloalo Gigantoad
Aloalo Kiwakin
Aloalo Kiwakin
Aloalo Crawler
Aloalo Crawler
Fügt Status
Aloalo Mantis
Aloalo Mantis
Aloalo Morbol
Aloalo Morbol
Fügt Status
Overcome and quite unable to act.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
6 sek
Aloalo Nepenthes
Aloalo Nepenthes
Aloalo Ogrebon
Aloalo Ogrebon
Fügt Status
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Fügt Status
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
60 sek
Aloalo Paddle Biter
Aloalo Paddle Biter
Aloalo Raptor
Aloalo Raptor
Fügt Status
Fügt Status
Aloalo Snipper
Aloalo Snipper
Aloalo Biast
Aloalo Biast
Aloalo Sopranine Croc
Aloalo Sopranine Croc
Aloalo Susena
Aloalo Susena
Aloalo Uragnite
Aloalo Uragnite
Aloalo Vanara
Aloalo Vanara
Aloalo Vemosia
Aloalo Vemosia
Bird Of Aloalo
Bird Of Aloalo
Fügt Status
Toxins are causing damage over time.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
15 sek
Aloalo Islekeeper
Aloalo Islekeeper
Aloalo Zaratan
Aloalo Zaratan
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Anala Familiar
Anala Familiar
Fügt Status
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Summoned Anila
Summoned Anila
Summoned Apa
Summoned Apa
Fügt Status
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Skill-ID: 8D1D
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
60 sek
Drake Familiar
Drake Familiar
Fügt Status
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Fügt Status
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
60 sek
Ball Of Fire
Ball Of Fire
Jolly-Tailed J'Jhimei
Jolly-Tailed J'Jhimei
Know if this thing eats? Well, you'll find out soon enough! That jewel is ours!" - (37567)"If you went down this path, that means the treasure's at the end of it!" - (37566)"
What!? It moved!" - (16462)"Hehe. Now this could be interesting." - (16469)"Uwah! How did you─ Leave me alone!" - (16137)"Didn't expect that. Well, no point in sticking around!" - (16463)"Hm? Up ahead..." - (13655)"
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1SingleSingle
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1SingleSingle
Homing Pattern
Homing Pattern
Aetheric Charge
Aetheric Charge
Fügt Status
Fügt Status
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
60 sek
We made it. None of its weapons could match yours, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>." - (37587)"Is that...a Lalafell!? But Kalika said that the people of this island had fled long ago." - (37411)"More weapons! Those hammers look heavy enough to shatter stone!" - (37572)"Just past that crest looks like a splendid spot to fish. Let's go, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>!" - (37409)"I thought that would be the end of us...but it seems fate has more fishing in store!" - (37414)"I saw it! Watch your step, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>!" - (37592)"It's back where it was, like it never tried to murder us. Let's hope it stays that way..." - (37594)"Let that be a lesson in proper manners! I can hear water coming from deeper inside─let's go, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>!" - (37518)"The bubbles make the crystals light as air. A single gust of wind will send them flying!" - (37661)"There he is again! He doesn't look happy to see us..." - (37664)"<shiver> A bit chilly, don't you think? Too cold for people to have lived here, perhaps." - (37511)"This is a promising spot. I'd best get my rod ready!" - (37431)"People once lived here. And people build near the best fishing spots!" - (37493)"Be careful! The flames move like waves!" - (37574)"It flies! Like something out of a children's tale!" - (37556)"It conjured weapons from thin air!" - (37571)"The path keeps climbing. Could there still be fishing spots above us?" - (37460)"These are even nastier than the last! Don't let them take a bite out of you!" - (37562)"Watch out! You don't want dirty water in your boots!" - (37581)"What's that...? A Miqo'te!? But Kalika said this island was deserted." - (37458)"What's that...? A Miqo'te!? But Kalika said this island was deserted." - (37459)"The path opened! Your prayers were heard!" - (37512)"A bubble seems to be holding one crystal aloft. We should keep an eye on that..." - (37660)"We've climbed quite a ways. I wonder if there are fish to be found up here?" - (37498)"May I hook a wonderful gift for Nidhana!" - (37450)"More treasure chests...don't pick the wrong one!" - (37590)"Let that be a lesson in proper manners! I can hear water coming from deeper inside─let's go!" - (37533)"That crystal is different from the others. I'd keep a wide berth if I were you!" - (37659)"Look, they formed a path!" - (37463)"The tide rises with the setting sun. We should watch our step." - (37420)"Wh-Why would the statue attack us!? Perhaps we're not supposed to be here..." - (37642)"You did it! I was worried for a moment, but then I remembered who I was with." - (37467)"I can barely make out my own hands." - (37494)"Its arsenal is endless! Sisters protect me from those blades!" - (37576)"It really is impressive, but I'd rather not wait around for it to try and squash us again." - (37649)"Just as I had hoped─a fishing spot! May it yield a catch that will bring a smile to Nidhana's face!" - (37526)"May I hook a wonderful gift for Nidhana!" - (37444)"Oh my... The statue is carved into the tree itself! Could it be the Speaker Kalika serves!?" - (37654)"Look, it's that Lalafell from before, and he's run afoul of some hungry beasts. We should probably help him, yes?" - (37417)"It's using the fetid water as a weapon!" - (37580)"I can sense it... A great catch is just ahead!" - (37428)"What are those orbs!?" - (37582)"Something tells me these toys aren't meant for children..." - (37591)"Phew... Now we can move forward. I know good fishing awaits!" - (37497)"The direction of its magicks don't match the patterns. What puzzle is it putting before us?" - (37671)"<Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>, a moment? I want to take a look here." - (37415)"The birds are growing bigger and bigger! Is this the jewel's doing?" - (37643)"Now I can fish at my leisure. What awaits us atop this mighty tree?" - (37481)"It called monsters to its aid! Don't let them catch you!" - (37573)"Is that...a Lalafell!? But Kalika said that the people of this island had fled long ago." - (37413)"In any other situation, these crystals would be enchanting." - (37658)"Well, if you think so... I'm sure there'll be other spots ahead." - (37416)"Now I can fish at my leisure. What awaits us atop this mighty tree?" - (37488)"The statues must house ancient power. I'm glad they're on our side." - (37585)"What!? The light swallowed the orbs!" - (37584)"<shudder> ...Don't look down, don't look down." - (37461)"This beast is made from wood! Where did they find it!?" - (37570)"Are we even on the same island? And where did that faerie go?" - (37501)"The fish here are more trouble than they're worth. Let's try somewhere else!" - (37427)"There he is again! He said he'd help us, but can we trust him?" - (37662)"People lived here? How did they find the courage to build so high up?" - (37462)"Look, three paths forward. Which one should we take?" - (37406)"Do you smell that, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>? There's rain coming." - (37412)"Are we the intruders!? What could we be intruding upon?" - (37669)"A lever to open a door, it would seem. We can continue onward." - (37510)"What strange worms! I doubt they would make for good bait." - (37456)"May I hook a wonderful gift for Nidhana!" - (37432)"Any fishing spots this close to the jewel must be teeming with rare fish!" - (37543)"This fishing spot is almost worth the trouble that faerie caused. Almost..." - (37528)"What a wicked trap!" - (37588)"Look, more statues. It's almost as if they've been waiting for someone..." - (37509)"These ships all ran aground... Not even Thavnair's stormy shores have claimed so many." - (37634)"So many of them! Where will you run to!?" - (37575)"Ah, the cushion broke your fall! How oddly considerate of her..." - (37652)"That way? Really? Well, if you believe it is best!" - (37408)"Now I can fish at my leisure. What awaits us atop this mighty tree?" - (37468)"Spears of water!? Oh gods, here they come!" - (37578)"Now I can fish at my leisure. What awaits us atop this mighty tree?" - (37474)"This looks like a good spot to fish. Can we stop for a moment?" - (37593)"Huh!? The statues are emitting light!" - (37583)"Just as I had hoped─a fishing spot! May it yield a catch that will bring a smile to Nidhana's face!" - (37534)"Thank you, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>! Let's hope for something big!" - (37419)"The water is spilling forth! Can you manage, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>?" - (37579)"I want to try different bait. Something suitable must be hiding in these sands─can you help me look?" - (37422)"It appears the only way forward is down..." - (37479)"Just as I had hoped─a fishing spot! May it yield a catch that will bring a smile to Nidhana's face!" - (37519)"Watch out! The wind howls again!" - (37666)"The ocean carved out these caves over countless years. I suppose we should be grateful the waves are mild at the moment." - (37410)"May I hook a wonderful gift for Nidhana!" - (37438)"He's the one who summoned that wooden monstrosity! What is it now?" - (37520)"Thavnair's jungles can be dense and difficult to traverse, but this swamp is no less daunting..." - (37455)"This is a promising spot. I'd best get my rod ready!" - (37437)"This is perfect! I can feel it─this will lure out something big!" - (37424)"This is perfect! I can feel it─this will lure out something big!" - (37426)"I think we made her mad... Wait, how do we get out of here?" - (37507)"You saw right through her tricks! Well done!" - (37589)"Huh? What happened to the mist?" - (37651)"I see a great spot to fish just ahead. Let's go, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>!" - (37495)"I see we are of the same mind! Our adventure starts off on the right foot!" - (37407)"Here! A bit overgrown, but I can clear the way. <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>, stay on my heels!" - (37508)"The statue grew! But how!?" - (37648)"I was frozen in fear...but you had it well in hand, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>! " - (37430)"Let that be a lesson in proper manners! I can hear water coming from deeper inside─let's go!" - (37525)"
The wind made it brittle for us. Now we can pass through!" - (16457)"What other surprises does this island have in store?" - (16131)"Those claws will cut us in two!" - (16097)"The tree moves!" - (16150)"I'll have a look!" - (16267)"I won't say no to treasure, but what I'm really here for is the fish!" - (16470)"What a majestic bird...but that beak looks sharp as a sword!" - (16132)"I almost fainted... Where are we?" - (16465)"Treasure chests? In a place like this?" - (16169)"Are those...caterpillars!?" - (16129)"Something's not right..." - (16170)"I don't think my fishing hook will be of use here!" - (16093)"There has to be a path somewhere..." - (16166)"How deep does this path go?" - (16168)"There's danger around every bend!" - (16108)"These caterpillars are blood-curdling..." - (16467)"This is no way to treat visitors!" - (16162)"I can't take any more of his pestering." - (16522)"Crocs! Keep your distance!" - (16163)"The mist is so thick I can barely see my own trunk..." - (16177)"I'm glad we didn't end up as its dinner..." - (16125)"My legs don't want to move forward, but I must." - (16157)"We made it through the mist!" - (16461)"The slightest touch should be enough to clear it..." - (16456)"Finally, statues that stay where they are." - (16138)"I try to only speak kindly of others, but they test me..." - (16527)"The bats in Thavnair are not nearly as big...or ferocious." - (16135)"I admit...that was scary, but exciting." - (16373)"Is that...a plant!? It's enormous!" - (16126)"Hmm... Not a single fish I haven't seen before." - (16266)"How could something so large move so quickly!?" - (16523)"Those rocks...they're moving!" - (16130)"Yaaaaaahhh!" - (16464)"Do you think some monsters prefer rainy days over sunny days?" - (16096)"I'd rather not do that again..." - (16094)"I need...I need a moment to catch my breath." - (16230)"We've walked into a lizard den!" - (16158)"May thoughts of Nidhana give me courage!" - (16144)"Does every beast on this island want to kill us?" - (16372)"It's beautiful..." - (16272)"What was in the chests, I wonder?" - (16270)"By the gods..." - (12317)"No, even more horrifying...the asvattha here smell much worse." - (16153)"Everywhere we go, beasts are waiting for us!" - (16466)"Let's hope the divinities of Aloalo guide us true." - (16459)"Those things sent a chill down my spine." - (16123)"Every twist and turn brings us face-to-face with a new threat..." - (16451)"Not even a word of thanks." - (16110)"Maybe he shouldn't have set that beast upon us..." - (16107)"You aren't going to jump...are you?" - (16449)"<rustle> <rustle> <rustle>" - (12904)"We can go further in from here." - (16159)"It's a dead end." - (16155)"I'd take this path!" - (16091)"They're on fire!" - (16092)"They don't look very friendly!" - (16111)"This scenery reminds me of home..." - (16262)"I try to only speak kindly of others, but they test me..." - (16526)"Attack!" - (10156)"Nothing for it but to keep going!" - (16460)"The branches grew!" - (16133)"I knew it─a trick!" - (16160)"Uwah! Stay away from me!" - (16229)"A crab that big could feed a whole village..." - (16098)"May thoughts of Nidhana give me courage!" - (16139)"Who's that!? Or...what's that?" - (16156)"Look at the size of that thing!" - (16165)"Kshaaaaaah!" - (10064)"<sob> <sniffle>" - (9500)"I've had my fill of wild animals already..." - (16149)"Fish are close, I know it!" - (16112)"Ugh... The hairs on my skin are standing on end." - (16128)"Oh, what's this? Such a strong bite!" - (16114)"Oh, what's this? Such a strong bite!" - (16116)"This looks like a great spot to cast my rod." - (16265)"Hamsa! They really are everywhere." - (16148)"Ngaaah!" - (4660)"A Roegadyn? I thought this island was deserted?" - (16228)"It's quicker than it looks!" - (16468)"To the patient go the fish!" - (16113)"<heavy breathing> I think that shaved a few summers off my life." - (16145)"Haaaaaagh! Here I goooooo!" - (11576)"I didn't know coconuts could grow to such sizes." - (16151)"The mist is so thick I can barely see my own trunk..." - (16178)"Get too close and you'll be in for a shock!" - (16095)"If it were up to me..." - (16090)"A toad that big could swallow us whole!" - (16124)"More of them..." - (16118)"Gaaah! I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid..." - (16263)"Do you think she's telling the truth, <Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>?" - (16453)"To the patient go the fish!" - (16115)"<Split([ObjectParameter(1)], ,1)/>, boars! A lot of them!" - (16167)"What are these?" - (16136)"We can't go any further. We'll have to find another way." - (16171)"I was afraid you'd be eaten alive!" - (16127)"Look, an asvattha! Just as horrifying here as they are in Thavnair." - (16152)"I can do this! I can!" - (16450)"I've never seen a bat so large!" - (16134)"
Fügt Status
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Skill-ID: 8B8E
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Fügt Status
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1AoE
Fügt Status
Fügt Status
Fügt Status
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
59 sek-60 sek
Unable to act on your own free will.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
3 sek
Repuruba Loqua
Repuruba Loqua
Fügt Status
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
59 sek
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Heavy Weight
Heavy Weight
Aloalo Deadly Coconut
Aloalo Deadly Coconut
Uolosapa Loqua
Uolosapa Loqua
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1SingleSingle
Fügt Status
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1SingleSingle
Fügt Status
Fügt Status
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1SingleSingle
Fügt Status
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1SingleSingle
Fügt Status
Bound by aetherial seafoam and unable to move except as the wind wills.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
9999 sek
Ensnared by aetherial seafoam and unable to move except as the wind wills.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
9999 sek
Unable to move.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
3 sek
Movement speed is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
20 sek
Spring Crystal
Spring Crystal
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Fügt Status
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
60 sek
Wobble-Kneed Whasbyrm
Wobble-Kneed Whasbyrm
I knew following you was the right move. Apologies, but I'm afraid the treasure is ours!" - (37650)"Gods, that smarts! Seems I'm in over my head, so...good luck!" - (37555)"J-Just let us have the treasure, and no one needs to get hurt!" - (37568)"If you insist on staying the course, you'll have to deal with Quaqua. I can't guarantee your safety! " - (37569)"
Zeal-Blind Zozone
Zeal-Blind Zozone
Water's in the air, and I'll bend it to my will!" - (37656)"Phew... I'm alive. I'm alive!" - (37418)"If it's all the same to you, I'll go on ahead. Mind keepin' my pet company in the meantime?" - (37565)"Bloody─! Better escape while I still have my head!" - (37560)"You in the habit of leavin' people for dead!? I'll make you wish those beasts finished me off!" - (37559)"Now we're even! So if you'll excuse me, I've got a treasure to plunder!" - (37558)"You're here too!? Then I must be on the right track!" - (37564)"Show me what you're made of!" - (37655)"Show me what you're made of!" - (37657)"Plenty of wind and water...just what I need to call my minions!" - (37561)"Remember me? I ain't the kind of scoundrel what shirks his debts, so I'll help you out─just this once." - (37557)"
You just going to stand there!? Cold-blooded bastards!" - (16106)"I'll be seeing you!" - (16109)"
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Variation-role 1Variation-tag 1Single
Surprising Missile
Surprising Missile
Surprising Staff
Surprising Staff
Fügt Status
Fügt Status
Damage taken is increased.
Folgende Zeiten wurden für diesen Debuff gefunden (kann Rundungsfehler enthalten):
60 sek
Surprising Weapon
Surprising Weapon